Unit 6 Workplace Violence Prevention Program

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Assignment 6: Workplace Violence Prevention Program 1. What are some of the essential elements for a workplace violence prevention program? List and describe these elements. a. Management Commitment and Employee Involvement Management commitment is essential to addressing workplace violence. Management commitment is the driving force behind developing a strategy to handle workplace violence. Management commitment expresses the administrative concern for employee emotional and physical safety and health. Management commitment has the responsible to create a zero tolerance policy for workplace violence, outline a compressive plan for maintaining security at the workplace, understand and comply with the workplace violence prevention program, …show more content…

Once a violent incident is reported, the teams that administers the workplace violence program should communicate to all employees their findings and conclusions on the incident to ensure the incident has been addressed. The team should report to all employees any recommendations to resolve a safety or security concern. The employer should communicate clearly the definition of workplace violence through employee policies and training in order to erase any misconceptions that constitute workplace violence. The employers should make it clear that bullying is considered workplace violence and a “whistle blower” employee will be protected from retaliation. Profit-driven management models have a tendency to reduce funding of the workplace prevention program. This barrier can be decreased by educating the administrators of the true cost of workplace violence on employee retention, productivity, and patient or client satisfaction. The lack of management accountability for workplace violence can be reduced by ensuring employees are represented in organization and administrative decisions and establishing a partnership between management and the employee