Organizational Commitment In Counseling

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The counselors’ organizational commitment level will be assessed by the instrument developed by Meyer and Allen (1987). The instrument has three folds: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. It is distinct from the definition of “professional commitment” where it is defined as one’s belief that the benefits trump the disadvantage of one’s profession (Brown & Roloff, 2011). It declared one’s intent to continue to remain in the same profession for the rest of one’s career, with overall satisfaction and emotional rewards, and to obtain personal growth through the profession (Farber, 1984). It has eight items for each folds with a total of 24 items. The participants were required to rate on the feeling they have …show more content…

However, the organizational commitment shall be defined as a measure of multidimensional where it encompassed all three components. In this study, affective commitment refers to the emotional attachment that the school counselor has toward the school he or she is attached to and it is defined in view of the desire to be identified with, attached to, and involved in the school. The school counselors who demonstrated a higher sense of belonging to the school, portrayed strong emotional affection, and have a high acceptance of employment standards and rules. Normative commitment refers to the school counselors’ attachment to the school in view of the sense of belonging and loyalty of his or her values. The school has become the favorite place of the school counselors and the counselors feel that they “ought to” stay for the benefit of the students, the school and …show more content…

An individual’s attributes such as direct and authentic experience, self-observation, feedbacks received and emotional states are classified as personal factors, whereas training access and support serve as the supporting role within the environment. Counseling self-efficacy is being categorized as cognitive factor which plays the mediation role. Job satisfaction is assessment of the individual on their experience with the work environment and it is recorded, emotionally, as a sense of achievement and contentment they experience within the self. It serves as the push factor and has substantial effects on the job satisfaction and the commitment of the school