Organizational Design Paper

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Organizational Design of the Merced County Office of Education
County offices of education provide services to school districts, taking on tasks that are better handled at a county level due to complexity and specialized requirements. The Merced County Office of Education is one of these institutions, supporting multiple school districts and classrooms at dozens of public schools. Working toward their goal of student success, the organizational design of MCOE provides the framework for efficient use of resources, directing work processes, maintaining work relationships, adapting to change. Design is the quintessence of the organization, influencing behavior and driving performance. In this paper, I will explore the organizational structure, power, politics, culture and methods of change at the Merced County Office of Education. Even though the organizational design of MCOE is sufficient, there are areas needing renovation to improve outcomes for all stakeholders.
Organizational Structure
Being a government agency, MCOE utilizes the organizational structure of a mechanistic bureaucracy. Adopting this structure was necessary due to the size and nature of the organization. As a government entity, MCOE is required to follow the …show more content…

Interim teachers were noted to respect their credentialed mentors, wanting to learn from them and working hard to become full-fledged teachers. Referent power was definitely in effect here and the intrinsic motivation generated enabled these rookie teachers to achieve their credentials. The interim teachers wanted to meet the standards of their mentors who they viewed as experts and pushed themselves to perform. All involved benefited from this use of personal power and it was far more motivating than other tactics. Sadly, this situation has not been replicated for the majority of