Out Of A Job By Michael O. Schroeder

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In the article How to stay healthy when you’re out of a job by Michael O. Schroeder, the author covers the different ways to stay healthy, and how to keep your morale up when in this situation. The various methods the author covers are community involvement, making sure you stick to a schedule, and remaining social. The author stresses the importance of community involvement, because it keeps you in a routine, as well as keeps you socializing with people. These are important so that you can stay on track, and you can remain focused. The author very briefly discusses the factors that impact your mental and physical health when unemployed. The factors that are mentioned are lack of income, stress, and being preoccupied with finding a new job. The author covers some things which I agree with, and there are also aspects I had never thought …show more content…

I agree with the article, as it covers how to handle depression due to unemployment, and the related emotional issues. The article repeatedly stresses that emotional distress during this time can lead to depression, and the different aspects of vulnerability that comes with losing your job. I agree that this vulnerability will lead to depression because I found an article from Forbes, that said of the 356,599 people who were phone interviewed, 12.4 percent had been depressed in the past, and 5.6 said they were depressed or being treated for their depression. One aspect of mental health not mentioned by the author in my original article, is the discrimination that unemployed people face when being hired, as well as the fact that most people who found a job after