Outline For Research Paper

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Staffing and Compensation Plan
The subject matter of this research is to conduct a staffing, compensation, and succession plan, as well as address the company’s diversity management policy created by human resource management. Recommendations to management have been made regarding hiring and succession planning, an analysis of employees close to retirement have been made. Recruitment strategies are explained as well as estimated budgets for recruitment. A compensation philosophy has been made to support the company vision and mission.
Hiring and succession plan To begin succession planning management must build off the strategic goals of the Computer Express Company. Let it be known the mission and vison of the company, which is to provide …show more content…

The organization has created this philosophy to support the mission, vision, and many values within the diverse culture of the company. The compensation programs are in set in place as a tool for management to support organizational needs as well as attract and motivate employees whose talents will benefit the company. The Computer Express company believes that the pay policy should be consistent with the base salary that would meet the market (Pay-Scale, n.d). Within the market of technology, the need for services in computer will allow the organization to remain competitive in pay, which would be within the 50th percentile. New hires will be payed the base pay that is standard within the company but those that are consistently performing above organizational standards will be payed a higher base pay as well as receive pay bonuses. Employees that wish to be promoted will be able to do so through request and performance evaluation. Once evaluations have been done decisions over promotion will be made. Pay policies will be communicated and shared within employee handbooks that can be accessed online through the company website. Benefits will be included with employment; these benefits will be consistent throughout all employees as well as stay competitive. Benefits will include paid time off and vacations, a 401k, and health insurance. All full-time employees are eligible for these benefits, further explanation is available to employees in employee