Outline The Reasons For Netball To Create A New Uniform Policy

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PDH Assessment

Question 1: (REFER TO STATE OF THE GAME REVIEW) Outline the reasons for Netball to create a new uniform policy. Provide examples to support your response. (3 marks)

Comfort, modesty, and cultural sensitivity are the reasons Netball created the new uniform policy, according to the State of the Game Review. Traditional netball dresses can be uncomfortable as some people don't like wearing dresses, or it could be cold. The dress is also very short and some people don't want to wear anything revealing because they don't feel confident or don't like showing their bodies. This may also be inappropriate for religious reasons because some religions do not allow their members to show their bodies, and the uniform can prevent them from …show more content…

Girls want more uniform choices for reasons such as fashion, comfort, personal preference, religious beliefs and climate. Today, girls want to be fashionable because it makes them feel confident, and 74% of girls say fashion is an important part of uniforms. If girls can't play netball with confidence, it can affect their on-court performance and self-esteem. Girls also want their uniforms to be comfortable, with statistics saying that girls want uniforms to be dark, stretchy, and hide sweat. Girls dislike unisex shirts and shorts, as they don't fit their shape. Some people have personal preferences, like disliking dresses. Religious beliefs are also a major reason, and in many sports, uniforms don't offer the modesty that some religious beliefs agree with. In Australia's unpredictable weather, netball dresses can be inconvenient. In our normal lives outside of sport, we wouldn’t choose to wear a mini dress when it’s 15 degrees and pouring rain, so why should we have to for netball? For these reasons, Netball NSW has decided to change its uniform …show more content…

Provide examples to support your response. (8 marks)

Providing choice in uniforms impacts the participation of athletes, by being more inclusive for people with religious beliefs, and will encourage more people to join the game, as they aren’t limited to just wearing a dress. The most significant decline in netball participation is in girls between the ages of 13 and 19. This could be caused by the previously limited options of uniforms, as many girls feel uncomfortable or restricted by the short dress that was the only option.
Because there are now more available options that cater for the needs of all players, like unisex or modest options, it will encourage people who previously couldn’t play due to the uniform to join netball. Girls who are religious and need modest clothing now can play, because they have the option of a modest uniform. Netball changing the uniforms will show people that it is inclusive, and welcomes diversity and individuality.
The addition of unisex options will mean that boys or non-binary people can play and feel comfortable in the uniform. Previously, unisex uniform options weren’t advertised, which can make people feel excluded and like an