Netball Essays

  • Outline The Reasons For Netball To Create A New Uniform Policy

    805 Words  | 4 Pages

    PDH Assessment Question 1: (REFER TO STATE OF THE GAME REVIEW) Outline the reasons for Netball to create a new uniform policy. Provide examples to support your response. (3 marks) Comfort, modesty, and cultural sensitivity are the reasons Netball created the new uniform policy, according to the State of the Game Review. Traditional netball dresses can be uncomfortable as some people don't like wearing dresses, or it could be cold. The dress is also very short and some people don't want to wear

  • Pros And Cons Of Hmong Volleyball

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    How To Ref Hmong Volleyball Hmong volleyball is not the same as international volleyball. In Hmong volleyball, players can’t double on the first touch, set a serve, cross the center line, have the ball touch the net on the serve, and the ball can only touch the player’s arms. Volleyball players have to be more cautious when playing and reffing. Hmong volleyball have more rules than international, which results in greater chance in making mistakes. Referees need to watch closely, otherwise the game

  • Early History Of Netball

    367 Words  | 2 Pages

    The history of netball reaches back to 1891, where it was originally a form of basketball. From the very first game of netball in England in 1895, to when it was introduced in the Commonwealth Games 103 years later, Grassroots netball has come a long way. Yet it still remains a fairly amateur game. Early History: In 1891, Springfield of massachusetts, a man called James Naismith invented an indoor game for “high spirited” young men at the School for Christian Workers, now known as the YMCA. A year

  • Importance Of Balance In Netball

    1354 Words  | 6 Pages

    Balance is important for netball players as they have single leg reaching activities when passing ball and changing their position time to time within a narrowed base. They need good balance to shoot the ball successfully and to maintain a good defensive stance posture. Lavipour D, 2011 and Sinaki M et al, 2004 have reported that poor balance leads to falls and injures. There are two divisions in loco-motor balance. They are static loco-motor balance and dynamic loco-motor balance. Dynamic loco-motor

  • Netball Training Program Evaluation Paper

    735 Words  | 3 Pages

    An evaluation of the effectiveness of the netball-training program for a goal shooter will be undertaken by assessing its application of training principles, which are frequency, intensity, specificity and progressive overload. Furthermore, a recommendation will be made to improve its effectiveness to enable the best results for a goal shooter position in netball. Frequency is defined as the number of times an event occurs within a certain period. Both types of training, aerobic and anaerobic are

  • London 2012 Essay

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    take part in the sport but has also helped them to see other benefits of getting involved, physically and mentally. They provide sessions across the whole of England with one main focus, getting women involved in sport, specifically netball. They are ran by qualified netball coaches and coaches that want to help get people involved! They work on everything from passing, to footwork and even to the tactics in games. They don’t need any special kit to take part they just have to show up in trainers and

  • Specificity In Sports

    1836 Words  | 8 Pages

    - A netball player would use dumbbell bicep curls to strengthen the biceps and help improve shooting techniques as it would provide more strength to the ball. Shuttle runs would help improve footwork reactions and improve agility and endurance. Would also build

  • The Five People You Meet In Heaven Essay

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    break of the match, the team made their way briskly towards us. As I watched the six familiar figures, thoughts drifted back to what happened in the past month. I love netball–not just the game, but the passion that the game brings out of each and every netball player. Before the major tournament, my days had alternated between netball practices and school, with barely anything else in between. I was a strong believer of “practice makes perfect”, and I believed that my team would make it to the final

  • Disadvantages Of High School Sports

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    sports enable children to more quickly develop the skills required to play adult sports. For example, Netball has 4 matches every 15 minute quarters, the goal post is 10 feet in height, the time to pass the ball is up to three seconds and a player who obstructs or is in the way of a player from the opposite team must stand out of play whilst the penalty pass or shot is taken whereas in Netta Netball it has 4 matches every 10 minute quarters, the goal post is only 8 feet in height to enhance the chance

  • Career Application Essay

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    negotiation is another topic we covered, so I am aware of its importance in order for working projects to ensure construction is as efficient as possible. Physical Education allowed me to carry out my own extensive independent research into my sport Netball and also develop my critical analysis, in terms of creating detailed essays on technique and

  • Personal Statement

    1983 Words  | 8 Pages

    based on my participation in terms of physical activity as I’ve gotten older I do make up those statistics. As a young girl I was involved in an array of sports such a basketball, athletics, cross country, softball and netball which I would do all in one year. However now I play netball once a week and gym occasionally. I wouldn’t say that for me it’s because I don’t like the competitiveness of the game and I just want to have a relaxed time with my friends because I do like winning and a it of competition

  • Essay On Gender Inequality In Sports

    779 Words  | 4 Pages

    Although over time gender discrimination has grown progressively over the years, one place that gender inequality is not fully present is in the sports world. Gender inequality in sports has been an issue in the industry for centuries. For years and years women faced the issues of lower pay, not as much publicity and not being appreciated as a female athlete. Clearly, even in this prevalent era of alleged equality and impartiality, most sports still remains as a male dominion, as there still is an

  • Persuasive Essay On Frontline

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    in hiding the truth. Within the confrontation of the captain of the netball player to ‘Brooke’, the captain is seen with a determined face to prove that what Brooke is doing is absurd. Despite, going to the extent of recording and editing the clip recorded, she has fed people lies and tarnished the team’s reputation. Through the utilisation of long takes it reveals the character’s reaction to the ‘truth’- from Brooke, netball coach and Alison. It also enables the audience to see the engagement of

  • Enhances Athletic Performance

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    flow states. A study was done by Pates, Karageorghis, Fryer, and Maynard to evaluate the effects that pre-task music has on three netball shooters performances and to analyze if it promotes flow states. Pates, Karageorghis, Fryer, and Maynard use three college netball players as subjects for test. After the test were finished the result showed that two of the netball shooters said they experienced a boost in their perception of flow. The results also showed that pre-task music had a positive effect

  • Personal Statement

    658 Words  | 3 Pages

    I knew I wanted to pursue a degree in Chemistry when I realised Chemistry is not just limited to pretty coloured precipitates and amazing reactions in the laboratory. I am fascinated to discover how Chemistry surrounds us daily, being the basis of numerous life processes, and I find it intriguing knowing everything around us is created through synthesis and reactions of numerous elements and compounds. I always aim to discover and develop my understanding further than my syllabus requires so I immerse

  • Disadvantages Of Plyometric Training

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    The focus of the exercise will be to raise explosive strength of the torso, shoulders and triceps. Ideal for sports like: netball, basketball, tennis and boxing. Starting location Lie in a supine on the earth with arm lifted above your torso. Your partner stands on a carton with medicine ball in outstretched arms. Activity When the partner drops the ball catch it and propel

  • How To Write A Cover Letter For An Event Administrator Position

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    the business ranging from sponsorship, membership recruitment and retention, volunteer coordination, merchandise and community participation growth. I thrived in this role for its diversity and for its ability to allow me to engage with the wider netball community in breading a passion for the sport I was hands on in attending events and promoted them via our internal and external communication channels. In addition to attending events I assisted with post event reporting and worked with the event

  • Year 10 Essay

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    Year 10, the final year of freedom before we are submerged into a sea of internals and exams. The year where the landscape of WEGC drastically changed, overrun with cranes, debris, men with hard hats and makeshift stairs. Amongst all of this chaos, year tens were grasping the ropes of their newfound leadership. Showing the Year 9’s where their classes are, constantly reminding them what side of the corridor to walk on and informing the fresh students of all the DO’s and DON’T’s of college. Being

  • Eliminate All Aspects Of Bullying Essay

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    In order to minimise and eliminate all aspects of bullying in our school I am aiming to equip the students of Mrs Kelly’s class with enough relevant knowledge about the three main types of bullying, so that they may know how to properly handle a bullying situation and understand why it is not healthy for one another's well-being to bully others or subject ourselves to it. These three main forms of bullying are physical bullying, verbal bullying and cyberbullying, and I believe that each student should

  • Personal Essay: All-Star Cheerleading

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    Growing up, I have always enjoyed animals and currently I have two dogs, their names are Danny and Bella and also a cat named princess who I’ve had since I was very little. When I was 4 I began playing netball and since then I’ve played continuous till this year when I decided to hang up my netball shoes and focus more on another sport which I’m deeply passionate about. This sport is All-Star cheerleading. This sport has become my life, with