Outline The Skills And Responsibilities As A Level Of Support Practitioner

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I am a dedicated professional with a wealth of experience in both the operational duties and strategic planning required for the successful running of a school. In the following paragraphs, I will outline the skills, attributes and experiences that I have that will support me in working as an effective Deputy Headteacher at Westways. As Assistant Headteacher for Key Stage Two, I am responsible for the successful operation of the phase. To ensure this, I am responsible for effective deployment of support and teaching staff on an annual, termly, weekly and daily basis to accommodate pupils’ evolving needs, support Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and cover staff absence without impacting on the efficient and effective education of the …show more content…

This has involved developing relationships with a wide range of stakeholders including: Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and new mentors; teaching assistants with a wide and varied range of experience and newly appointed Senior Leaders. During my time as Assistant Head, we have refined the level of support offered to Early Career teachers. This has included an extended transition in the summer term during which I facilitated an induction into ‘The Westways Way’ in terms of curriculum, teaching and the development of early professional relationships. As the year has progressed, I have met regularly both formally and informally with the ECT and their mentor, identified next steps and facilitated opportunities to observe strong practice both at Westways and beyond. This has resulted in an extremely successful start to induction for this ECT who have received positive feedback from their mentors, Senior Leaders and external school improvement partners this academic year. In addition, I have developed strong, positive relationships with all support staff members and have a robust awareness of their diverse areas of interest and …show more content…

The strengthening in the teaching of phonics has, in part, resulted in a 10% increase in pupils passing the phonics screening check compared with last academic year. Since January 2022, I have worked alongside the Year 3/ 4 Phase Leader to support her in developing as a Senior Leader. This has involved acting as a sounding board for action plans, support in monitoring and evaluation, giving advice in a more informal capacity and directing her towards other professionals who may be better placed to support. Over time, it has been rewarding to see her hard work and perseverance pay off and her ability to take on additional responsibility and support a new member of the Senior Leadership team in adapting to the challenges that the role entails. In addition, to the above, I have forged strong, positive and professional relationships with the teaching staff in Key Stage Two. I work hard to temper my response to questions or offer professional challenge based on the teacher’s level of experience and their personal situation at this