Outsourcing In America Essay

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As a teen becomes an adult, they need to learn responsibility. Responsibility as in paying bills on time and showing up to work every day. In order for that to happen you need a job. Having a job is good for many reasons like responsibility and money, unless the americans do not have the education for that job or in a lot of cases seen today, it is overseas. This is bad news for any working person low on the totem pole. “The main negative effect of outsourcing is it increases U.S unemployment. The 14 million outsourced jobs are almost double the 7.5 million unemployed Americans”(1A). For example, China has received thousands of U.S jobs because of the cheap labor costs and for the fact that they will not buy american goods unless they are manufactured …show more content…

There are pros and cons to this outsourcing happening more often than not. Sadly for the american workers, the majority of jobs taken overseas do not come back nor do they plan to. This can also have negative effects on the intellectual intensity the U.S population has to require. The more complex jobs are cheaper to have completed in other countries. The outsourcing of these highly-skilled jobs leads to less Americans going to schools to learn the intellectual skills. With very few learning that skill there is no need to teach it, causing teachers and professors to lose their jobs as well. “Another risk that outsourcing companies face is the potential for relations with other countries to change. For example if the U.S. were to engage in a trade war with China, the Chinese government may levy tariffs against foreign companies operating within its borders or on goods crossing the …show more content…

Americans are the one to pay the price for the outsourcing. They lose their job in the company while someone else across the world does it for half the pay. “Your jobs are safe, they will just be done by someone else in another country”(4D). Outsourcing is a bad thing for the american unemployment rate, but there are also lots of jobs still in the U.S that americans do not take because of the pay or amount of labor also increasing the unemployment. Take housekeeping in hotels for example, ninety percent of the employed housekeepers are illegal immigrants that are in need of a job. Those immigrants want a job, basically any job. They do not oppose the work because of pay, because they came here looking for work here in the U.S. The americans do not want to do the work because of the slightly lower pay for the amount of labor. There are lots of jobs out there, americans are just becoming lazy, therefore not taking the