Panic Disorders: The Relation Between Panic And Anxiety

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Anxiety and panic; it is a natural occurrence that happens to everybody, but a most do not experience it on an intense and persistent level. When one speaks in front of the class, peers down from a high place, or waits for someone's response, these are all ways people experience anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health disorder and out of its sub categories, I have decided to write about panic disorders. In this essay, I intend to explain what a panic disorder is, how it affects a person on a psychological level, what the symptoms are, and how to properly treat it.

To start, a panic disorder is a psychiatric disorder in which crippling anxiety and fear seem often and without reasonable cause. In the article, “Arousal …show more content…

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger, it's a reaction one feels when threatened, under pressure, or face a stressful situation. In mild doses, anxiety isn't bad, in fact it can help one stay alert and focused, act or motivate on to solve problems. But when it is constant and overwhelming, it affects one's relationships and activities, often making them non-functional. Anxiety is a common cause in panic disorders. An example would be if someone is calmly sitting alone, not paying …show more content…

Treatment options vary depending on the individual themselves, according to, the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy, pharmacotherapy, and inpatient vs outpatient care are ways to treat panic disorders, ( They also state that the use of these are to help reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks, anticipatory anxiety and agoraphobic avoidance, treating co-occurring psychiatric disorders, achieving full symptomatic remission, and returning to preformed level of function, all while tailoring it to suit each individual,

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