Parthenon Vs Pantheon Research Paper

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The sophistication and elegance that allures enthusiasts to Classical architecture is the Greek Parthenon and Roman Pantheon since they are astonishing in unity, shape, and balance while enduring the ages. Around 447 BC, the construction of the Greek Parthenon was finshed to replace a temple previously destroyed by the Persians (Ancient Greece, n.d.) while development of the Roman Pantheon was completed near 125 AD to succeed “Commander Marcus Agrippa’s Pantheon of 27 B.C.” (Cartwright, 2013). Both the Greek Parthenon and Roman Pantheon have served numerous functions throughout history although the Romans endeared many of Greek's architectural formulas for their purpose and style. Together, the Parthenon and Pantheon are distinguishable for their similarities in design while Roman architects embellished traditional Greek …show more content…

In comparison, the two structures utilize classic column structures to symbolize might across regions. The use of granite, marble, concrete, and limestone across these structures assures these complex architectures will endure the ages while serving as temples to gods and God. Although similarities with medium related to foundational structure of these temples is crucial, the Parthenon and Pantheon share hardships and setbacks from historical events. There are differences between the two structures. Cultural differences exist since the Greek and Roman gods were unrelated while intertwined. The Parthenon was designed with Doric order and Ionic elements in plan while the Pantheon embellishes Greek design with the inclusion of the dome and Corinthian order. Historically, architecturally, and culturally there other disparities between the Parthenon and Pantheon that are beyond the scope this