Patient Consultation Case Study

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Graph 1.2 Distribution of Client view on Queuing Time spent OPD for consultation.

It is evident from the above table that the maximum queuing time spent by the clients in the
OPD for consultation with doctors. It indicates that out of 100 clients, highest is 29% clients had to wait for 30-40 and lowest 8% client waited for less than 15 min. While 25% client waited for 20-30 min. 18% client waited for 15-20 min and 20% client waited for more than 40 min in the OPD for consultation.

3) Time spent for consultation.

Table 1.3 Distribution of Client View on Time Spent in consultation with doctors

Criteria Frequency Percentage
30 Min 9 9%

Graph 1.3 Distribution of Client View on Time Spent in consultation with doctors …show more content…

1.5. A: Time spent by Client in Billing.

Time spent by client at cash payment

Time spent by client in collection of report

As its shown in the above graph the average time spent by client in billing, cash payment and collection of reports. For Billing, out of 100 clients, the highest 38% clients, waited for 20-25 min and least 9% waited for 10-15min. The second highest is 28% clients, which had to wait for 15-20min, 11% clients waited for 10min and 14% clients waited for more than 30 min.
For Cash Payment, out of 100 clients, the highest 29% clients, waited for 20-25 min and least 9% waited for 10min. The second highest is 27% clients, which had to wait for 15-20min, 22% clients waited for 10-15min and 13% clients waited for more than 30 min.

For Collection of reports, out of 100 clients, the highest 36% clients, waited for 10-15 min and least 0% waited for >30min. The second highest is 31% clients, which had to wait for 10min, 20% clients waited for 15-20min and 13% clients waited for more than 20-25

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