VANTHCS Competency Report

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There are five competencies which I have gained exposure throughout my internship projects and assignments are structuring/marketing/ positioning, financial management, managing information resources, statistical analysis and outcomes measurement.
First competency is structuring/marketing/ positioning VA North Texas Health Care System. In particular, I developed my critical thinking, goal setting and understanding business plan, management flexibly, partnerships and alliances through analyzing various projects and assignments. Among of them is the Advanced Clinical Access Plan (ACA) Project, Speak to the Director Project, Clinical Product Review Committee Procedures(CPRC), New Item Request Flow Chart Process, TeleHealth Business Plan. to work …show more content…

I gained exposure to various areas such as, statistical reporting, report development, target monitors; information system needs analysis information security, database management and maintenance, and training and support. In particular, I was trained with various healthcare information security trainings, including initial broad awareness training and customized training relative to particular areas of VA’s departments, and other CEs in my first day internship at VANTHCS. The purpose is to ensure I am acknowledged in privacy and security relative to the VANTHCS’s policies, procedures, and practices of the VANTHCS site. In addition, I assisted the preceptor in assessing New Resident’s documentation requirement upon receiving their application package. After that, I created the spreadsheet for New Resident Profiles to record and monitor the paperwork process. Also, I created a spreadsheet for OSHA- Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire for New Resident 2014 and submitted it to Employee Health Clinic upon the clinic request. Moreover, I evaluated and made correction in the Veterans’ Consults Status through the Vista and CPRS system program. Besides, I was assigned to maintain the Veterans’ Records in a specific of times, identify one who has the waiting list appointments are over 90 days, and report it to my preceptor. Another task which I have demonstrated is to collect the current staffs’ contact information, update …show more content…

I gained exposure to statistical analysis skills, computer skills, clinical support service development, and auditing skills. Among of my projects to demonstrate my skills is collaboration with an Administrative Resident in the Advanced Clinical Access (ACA) Project to determine supply and demand. Applying the Vista and CPRS system program, I utilized the assigned Copy of Clinical ACA Template, analyzed and synthesized the Ophthalmology, Optometry, and Urology Clinics Data in FY2012, 2013, and 2014. In addition, I learned to understand and assess the Clinic Utilization Cube – National, VISN, Station, and Substation Clinic Capacity and Utilization in Past 30 Days by reading the Clinic Capacity Appointment Slots, Past Clinic Capacity Appointment Slots, Past Encounters, Future Open Capacity Slots, and so on. I was able to utilize the metrics measurement and calculate the supply, supply used and

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