Patient Satisfaction In Health Care

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In summary, the nursing practice is ridden with numerous shortcomings that make it hard for patients to be satisfied with the provided health care services. This paper has provided an evidence-based model in health care provision. The need to improve patient satisfaction in the nursing practice has necessitated the implementation of relevant policies that have yielded positive results. With the nurses embracing concepts, such as teamwork, altruism, leadership, empathy, and communication, patients are becoming more satisfied with the care they are being given in the hospitals.
In the nursing practice, there is a need to improve satisfaction in patients, which is only achieved after the nurses have adopted various patient-centered concepts, …show more content…

Patient satisfaction is a precondition for health care facilities to be to be accredited. Because of the lack of a strong unit in the government’s organizational structure, the performance of the health care system has not been under enough scrutiny to ascertain whether or not patients are satisfied with the medical services offered by the various medical facilities. Moreover, a policy design to evaluate the development of health systems is also absent. Brown (2014) claims there is an apparent lack of technical capacity and training among the officers in the health care service centers, which affects the planning, implementation, evaluation, and design of innovations in the health sector. In addition, stewardship and strategic planning are non-functional in the …show more content…

An open culture is also important because it makes the workers to be free in discussing their concerns and experiences with other health care officials. Humanity and empathy are also professional values that are central to appropriate nursing. In the light of this, it is important for nurses and doctors to consider patient needs and ensure that the dignity of the patients is maintained throughout care and treatment. Cvengros (2008) claims that attending to distressing symptoms, personal care, and food needs is among the practices that maintain patient dignity.
Leavitt and Leavitt (2011) claim that nurses and doctors should act without delay in case they feel that patients might be at risk. Doctors and nurses should be considerate and kind to the patients by listening and attending to all their concerns. Teamwork is an important professional value that is vital in the provision of care centered on patients. A culture that is based on learning from previous mistakes and openness is fundamental in the provision of care and ensuring that patients are satisfied. In view of that, workers in the health sector should maintain honesty with the patients they are attending

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