Personal Narrative Analysis

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You only ever do things in life because you’re told to. You only think concepts are important because people tell you they are. In fact, I only took Discover because I was told to. I certainly was not expecting to learn about innovation in Chicago and it’s strong correlation to advertising, and before this class I would have rolled my eyes at how boring that sounded. Because honestly who really cares? We’ve all been to museums before, we’ve all heard the repetitive speeches from the emotionless tour guides about how each respective city has the best innovation, the greatest history. “Innovation is important,” they all dully state. Hence innovation was just another term to add to my infinite brain made list of important concepts. Important. …show more content…

Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, are nationally recognized innovators. But Leo Burnett? Shirley Polykoff? Definitely not. Or at least that’s the way it was for me. Pre-college, we’re not taught about communication, and the only problems we examine are something along the lines of x+5. Growing up in Massachusetts, I’m not able to count on one hand how many times I’ve learned about the Boston Tea Party, and that’s barely and exaggeration. In that sense, how could I have possibly known there was more to innovation than just science inventions when that’s all were told and all we ever learn about throughout school? It’s crazy to think that without this class, problem solving and the resulting innovation would be absent from my …show more content…

Advertising terrifies me. It’s everywhere, dominating the world and supplying America’s consumer society. In my mass communications class, we read about advertising specifically, and how it’s the driving force behind mass media. If there was no advertising, some of the internet’s most powerful companies wouldn’t exist. Google and Youtube rely on ads to generate revenue. Furthermore, an overwhelming amount of television network profit comes from advertising. In a sudden realization, it stuck me the advertising world and the extent to which it controls the way we think and operate is freighting. Advertising generates profit for the worlds largest companies, and influences the way we operate everyday. My mind goes numb realizing all the jobs and occupations that depend on advertising revenue, even for people who aren’t in the advertising industry. Therefore, I believe the use of advertising in mass media such as the Internet and television is one of the most prominent innovations in