Personal Narrative Analysis

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An event that transitioned me from being a child to moving up into adulthood would be when I got my first job. I say this because now I get to make my own money and spend it how I want to spend it. Before, I always needed to ask my parents for money so I can go to places I wanted to go but after getting a job it showed me that now I needed to work, and earn, my paycheck rather than it just being given to me. When I began earning money it gave me a slight perspective of how my parents had to earn their money to get things they wanted along with my other siblings and me. When I had my own spending money I immediately wanted to begin paying for my wants and needs, just to experience what it was like having that sort of responsibility. I cannot say that money is the only thing I took away from this experience. Once I got the job and began working for a couple months I developed stronger leadership and communication skills. I grew up as shy kid, once I was put out into the field it put me in the position where if I do not talk to anyone then my work might never be started, or finished. For me to gain these skills I needed to separate my work life and personal life, because if …show more content…

By avoiding the interference of both mindsets it strengthens my leadership because as I get older I will be on my own more often and will need to make clear, accurate judgements

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