Personal Narrative Essay: Dodgeball

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“Fall seven times stand up eight.” It all started first hour in gym class. I was in Mrs. Margalgus’s class and we were facing Mr. Maveus’s class. That 's when Mr. Mavus yelled, “We are going to play dodgeball!” After Mr. Maveus finished giving directions and both classes went to different sides of the gym. The girls got to run out and get dodgeballs first, then I picked up the dark royal blue squishy rubber dodgeball. And then the whistle blew to start the game that sent a ringing through my ear. As my dodgeball soared through the air it was caught by a student on the other team. I said to my friend Sarah, “How did he catch that?” She said “I don’t know, but you 're out!” Then Sarah and I laughed as I walked away. When I got to where you