
Personal Narrative: How Snowball Changed My Life

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When I was 5 years old, we lived in a house that my father bought at the local auction, in the middle of nowhere, a tiny no good town called Pueblo, Colorado. My parents owned a small business that often brought lots of strange people to our little town, and over the years, we met some really weird people. One particular person was a very strange man that gave me the creeps as soon as I saw him. He showed up to our house in a black car with super dark tinted windows, wearing all black, with a black hat and dark sunglasses. He was very strange and for some reason he was very interested in our black cat named Snowball.

Anyway, he left after his visit with my parents, then later at dinner, everyone else said that he gave them the creeps too! Later that same night, Snowball started to get very very sick. A few days later, after taking Snowball to the local vet, they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. She was vomiting up gobs of what looked like black tar, later that same night Snowball died from whatever was making her so sick. In her final moments, she kept swatting and hissing at something in the air. I’ll never forget the chills that I got all over my body, and how scary it was when she took her last …show more content…

We would find footprints in the show that started and stopped out of nowhere. We would hear noises in the middle of the night, we would hear meowing and we did not have a cat anymore, the wallpaper would be torn halfway off the walls, and there would be claw marks all over the place.. My mother, who has always been somewhat of a softy, said that after Snowball passed away she started seeing demonic creatures and animals around the house and in the yard. It seemed like she got possessed by something evil, she started acting very very strange. She would stay in her bedroom most of the time, and she would keep it very dark in there. My mother became very distant from all of

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