
Personal Narrative-I Am Pallas Athena

520 Words3 Pages
Hello, all. I am Pallas Athena, goddess of health, weaving, healing, learning, pottery, wisdom, crafts, female crafts, judicial wisdom, arts, education, battle strategy, and war (Bulfinch 878; “Orestes”; “Minerva”). Now, I know that is a large domain, but do not worry, I can handle it [unlike others -cough cough- Aphrodite -cough cough-]. Mortals recognize me as the wisest war deity [connect to Ares]. I invented the bridle and the tuba. I am even the patron deity of two very successful cities. Now, I don’t mean to sound full of myself here, but you guys have probably all heard of my birth. You know, the whole Zeus swallowed Metis then had a headache and then a fully grown goddess happened thing. I mean, I think the manner of birth “popping

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