Personal Narrative: My Academic Year At Columbia Basin College

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One reason that I have not achieved the minimum satisfactory progress requirements is because in the last quarter that I attended Columbia Basin College (CBC) I spent most of my time on a senior project and presentation that I had to complete in order for me to graduate from Columbia High School. Another reason was because my first quarter of college I wasn 't prepared for the rigors of college. The workload wasn 't something I was able to handle and the result of this was that I didn 't get a good grade in either of the classes that I attended. During winter quarter I learned from my mistakes and was able to get at least a 2.0 in both of the classes that I took. For my senior project I had to complete a task for a minimum of 30 hours and …show more content…

The result of this was my not performing well in the spring quarter of the 2012-2013 academic year at CBC. Success in college is something that I know I can achieve because in the winter quarter of that academic year I passed the two classes I attended with at least a 2.0. The reason for this being that my high school load was lighter so I was able to spend the necessary time on my college work to get those passing grades. It is for this reason that I believe if I hadn 't had to spend as much time on my senior project and speech presentation I would have had more time to focus on my college classes and I would have passed them. The reason I bring this point up is because through this experience I have learned the importance of time management in college and also that if I am able to attend college again I would be able to focus on one academic arena instead of trying to juggle two different course loads. The winter quarter I attended at CBC proved that I was able to handle college when able to focus enough time on it and that I had learned from my fall quarter short-comings. It is with this explanation of the circumstances that resulted in my academic record being below the minumum requirements that I ask you to lift the suspension on my