Stanford University Personal Statement

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The Stanford University Primary Care Associate Program’s close ties to my home town make this the most enticing program that I have researched. Living in an underserved community, I know what needs to be done in order to improve the general health of the Imperial Valley’s population. Accessibility to competent health care professionals is key to this goal and I am confident that Stanford University is single-handedly leading the charge to attain this by training local residents so that one day they may return home and take care of those who mean the most to them. With world-reknown presence in academics, Stanford University has produced some of the greatest minds of our generation and I too seek to join that elite club. I have devoted myself to my academic studies and I am confident that will be recognized should I be given the opportunity to demonstrate my potential as a future candidate for enrollment. I understand the sacrifices that must be made for the greater good of not only myself, but my family and community as well. I have prepared for this journey by taking a …show more content…

My passion towards medicine is what fuels my strong desire to improve myself as an individual and to give back to those who need it most. I only wish that I had discovered this passion at a younger age so that I may have begun my journey at an earlier time. Looking back at the hardships that I faced from the loss of loved ones to my own personal ailments, I have completely turned my life around over the last five years and now my determination and resolve is greater than ever. I cannot undo my past academic shortcomings from when I was much younger but I can guarantee that the person applying to this prestigious program is willing to devote themselves entirely to the professionalism and sacrifice that this program

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