Personal Narrative: My Creative Identity Within The Film And Electronic Arts Program

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For the rest of my college career I aim to refine my technical knowledge and creative identity within the Film and Electronic Arts program. So far I have had the privilege of being able to experiment with a variety moving image formats, including narrative filmmaking, screenwriting, and experimental filmmaking in both live action and animated formats. I hope to study a wide range of higher level courses to further develop an understanding of where my artistic curiosity and skills are most focused. Already, I have a particular interest in screenwriting which emerged during my time in Lisa Krueger’s course Writing the Film. Outside of this class I have been continuing to exercise my curiosity by writing my own screenplays, but I am excited to explore this aspect of filmmaking further within the classroom environment. Additionally, I have found that the fine art experience I have from high school transfers well into the video art I have worked on at Bard and I look forward to further experimentation with this format. …show more content…

The way that the contrasting compositions of a rural or urban area in film might affect the viewer is something I feel motivated to explore. In the Hudson Valley, for example, the fecund and overgrown quality of the nature leaves me with the impression of watchfulness emanating from the woods. The streets of Saint Petersburg, in juxtaposition, frequently held an air of modest celebration. I hope to discover methods with which the camera can be used to accentuate, amplify, or contradict the way that a place feels