Personal Narrative: My Journey To NC State

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I remember finding out that NC State had a summer reading book and thinking that it sounded a lot like a high school English class. I dreaded even picking up the book, so i kept making excuses and putting off reading it. August rolled around, and move-in day was quickly approaching, so I decided to take my dog to the beach one evening and read until the sun went down. The book followed the author's prodigious journey to save one mountain near his house and the Appalachian Trail. With every flip of a page I felt like there was an underlying message that was meant for me. The author was able to make a tremendous difference, even though, he was considered insignificant in the vast world of reigning politics. I felt like I could connect this to my new journey at NCSU. As one person in this ignoramus campus, I seem so small. However, if I want to accomplish something I can do it. …show more content…

Jay, the author, never gave up on his friends Ollie and Ashley. He stuck with them through thick and thin even when it looked like they had no chance of winning. I admire Jay for this. I aspire to pull out my inner Jay in everything I do. I especially aspire to bring this motivation and work ethic to my future pursuits in the classroom. Throughout my years in school I have encountered many teachers who have given up on students. They see one small failure as an excuse to stop trying to help. I don't want to become these teachers when I enter the field. I want to enter the classroom in the mindset of Jay Erskine Leutze. I will never give up on my students, and in turn I hope to incite them to reach for their goals in this manner. In closing I would like to say that I'm elated that I chose to pick up this book and run with it. It truly changed my perspective on struggles or the "mountains" of my life. I will no longer turn away ashamed of what I didn't reach, but continue to try until I can say that I stood up that