Personal Narrative: My Personal Theory Of Writing

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My personal theory of writing is that it gives you the opportunity to be able to express and show who you are as a person. It also allows you to be able to communicate with others that read what you write and how those react to what you have written. To me it gives you the chance to express yourself and get more involved. Theory of writing has evolved as I have progressed through high school to now that I am enrolled in college because in high school you are learning the typical ways to writing an essay, but when I go to college it comes to be a completely different format. In high school you learn as a novice the same way in college. “Rather, it involves adopting an open attitude to instructions and feedback, a willingness to experiment, whether in source selection or paper topics, and a faith that, with practice and guidance, the new expectations of college can be met” (Sommers and Saltz, 134). Now that I am a college student I need …show more content…

When I look back to to the work that I have done I feel like I approve on my writing skills and not so much on the reading skills because the books were hard for me to understand and some of the books connected more than others. Moving forward, my new goal that I would like to establish for myself are that to reader, and thinker is that I need to be able to read more to improve on my reading skills and during that process become a better thinker while I read and write. On this voyage of discovery this semester the most personal meaningful part to me was the last unit on culture and how it affect or changed the people. To me this was meaningful because I was able to understand and put myself in the shoes of some situations that were