Personal Narrative: My Trip To Las Vegas

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All start’s me on a sunny afternoon, my family and I are on a trip on the plane to Las Vegas. I invited my friend, Darlene and my niece, Kassi. Darlene and I are listening to music on my phone while Kassi is on her phone watching videos. Later on we get off the airplane a man guides us to the airport. My dad, meanwhile calls a taxi to take us to a hotel. On our way over there we see a sign welcome to Las Vegas. There's a junction that wanted to make me throw up from all the curves. I see a place it's called LAS VEGAS WATER PARK
ME: mom can we go to the waterpark in the morning
MOM: yes
We get good night sleep and I hear a lark outside the window then I heard knocking on the window I stepped on the floor it started creaking. Next morning …show more content…

we're on our way to the water park with my mom pays for us. Then they leave to the casino. We realize the man was there with us in back of the line he had a hat with a scarf, a black jacket me Darlene,Kassi and I were scared but we ignored it. Then we were in the waterslides. We saw him again
MAN: hello will you like a ride back home
KASSI,DARLENE,ME: NO THANKS we ran up to a lady
KASSI,DARLENE,ME: excuse me lady can you watch us we feel like we're being stalked by that man over there
LADY: what man
KASSI,DARLENE,ME: the man with the hat and the black jacket and with a scarf
LADY: no man here have you guys ate candy
My parent came to pick us up. We tried to discover the man. Then my parents came to pick us up. We left to the airport and went back

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