Personal Narrative: Rozelle Elementary School

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Kindergarten through third grade I attended Rozelle Elementary school. The school had two different buildings, it was the kindergarten through second grade and then the third through sixth grade. I couldn 't This was my favorite school, I loved going here and the people here. My first day I probably cried, I really don 't remember. Learning how to read and write was easy because my mom had already gone over a lot of basic things with me over the summer. I loved being young, making friends was easy. Kindergarten is also where I met Eric. I had two teachers in my class I don 't remember their names. I often was at my grandmother 's house she lived on the street called Rozelle and my mom stayed on Thornhill Dr. There was a park right across the street from my house and a pool. My first-grade year I had transferred to Raintree …show more content…

At last, my third grade was so exciting because now I get to go to the big kids building. My teacher was Mrs.Dean one of my favorite teachers. In her class it was always my friends, Breann, Autumn, Kimberley, Jada and I. We were bad when we used to go on bathroom break we used to climb the bathroom stalls, we always got caught and in trouble for it. Jada and I would always fight just to see who could win. One of my favorite childhood activity was field day each year in school towards the end of the year I wouldn’t miss this day for nothing. My grandmother used to work at the school, so I kind of had a lead way with not getting in a lot of trouble. One day my grandma had told my cousin Teighlor to sit in the office until she got back, but she left looking for her. When she couldn 't find her she had walked all the way home up Superior hill. One thing we had learned was to never talk to strangers so when a lady offered her a ride she told her no and the lady had followed her home to make sure that was her house. My family had changed from chapter three because my mom had my baby brother and my auntie had twins and so that was very