Personal Statement

653 Words3 Pages

I am writing to apply for the advertised vacancy of Teacher –Early Childhood Education - Primary at Redcliffe Primary School, as advertised on the Jobs WA website.
I have strong work ethic, organisational skills and have a passion for education. This has been recognised and commended on in previous workplaces and placements. It is through my strong communication and interpersonal skills that has allowed me to create a rapport and collaborate with the school community, colleagues, students and families/caregivers.

I pride myself on the creation of engaging educational programs which are evidence based using supplied data on achievement and my in-depth knowledge of the Western Australian Curriculum. These consist of using contemporary learning tools that allows for innovation and differentiation to reach each student’s academic success.
I have strong experience and up to date knowledge on new technologies and their implementation in the classroom. It is a passion of mine to be innovative in introducing and using …show more content…

During my ATP I was in a kindergarten room with a rotation of over 52 students in one week (two kindergarten classes, one with 22 students and the other with 25, as well as a pre-kindergarten class during allocated DOTT). In order to teach these children, I needed to create a rapport with each of them and their families so that learning experiences could be adapted to their needs. To form this, my action was to spend time with each student, one on one during the starting weeks. I helped them celebrate their achievements, spoke daily with their families and learned about their interests so that they were reflected in the classroom. The outcome of this was a high level of achievement, an engagement in learning and a greater attendance rate. My experiences then reflected the differentiation within the classroom, whether it was cultural, academic or

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