Personal Statement

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I stand out because I am invested in my future. For the past few years I have dedicated myself to my future career by taking the most difficult classes that my school has to offer. This has helped me be a better student as I have some knowledge of the classes I will be taking in college. I am an independent, organized person as I am able to juggle my classes, extracurriculars, and other activities. Another way that I am unique is my ability to take charge in a situation. Whether it is in class and no one else can figure out the problem or my friends and I are lost, I always take charge, sometimes I make the situation worst, but I attempt to resolve the problem and help everyone else. One experience that has helped shape me was the trip …show more content…

It was wonderful to be able to see another culture and meet people that have a completely different lifestyle and language than I do. This experience taught me to be open to meeting new people, to apricate different cultures, and to realize that there is more to life then my small town. I also learned that I am capable of interacting with people without having to speak the same language and that I can mispronounce raspberry, in French, ten different ways. Another experience that has shaped me was the reading of the Harry Potter series. I read this series when I was in fourth and fifth grade and it has affected my life by teaching me to stand for what I believe in, to love others, that it is okay to challenge the system, and to not judge others by unimportant characteristics. Those ideas are what have helped shape my belief system. Both experiences have shaped me, by teaching me to open my eyes to the world around and to make a change to those around me. I am interested in attending SIUE as it is a wonderful school that has my program and it is near my home. This university has many different cultures and a lot of people that have different backgrounds than me. When I attend here I will be able to meet people that did not go to the small school as I did

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