Diversity Personal Statement

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Apart working on computer and learn programming languages, my favorite hoppy is reading and getting socialized. Erbil city, where I am from, majority of the people are Kurdish. Besides that, a big group of Assyrian, Chaldean, Turkman, and Arab live. Muslims, Christians, Yezidis, and other religious minority live together. This diversity has given me an opportunity to learn more about ethnic groups and their religious backgrounds. I was lucky to have friends from all those communities. I have always been interested to hear people talking about their culture and believe systems. I can say, if I hadn’t joined computer science major, I would have pursued a degree in interfaith and international relationships. I’ve always deeply believed, there is just one race, human race. I also believe our differences are not our weakness but …show more content…

The chance to meet people from different ethnic and believe backgrounds has given me what I truly needed. Since then I have been involved with different organizations and took a part in many activities with interracial and interfaith aspects. At Miami University, I am surrounded with all races and people from different backgrounds. My first contact with new different people was at NationaliTea, which is a weekly meeting event that encourages international and domestic students to share their culture with others. Now, I have many friends from different races and believes around the world. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist and many others. In past two years, I have hosted three NationaliTea meetings talking about Kurdish culture and different festivals from the Middle East. Another opportunity that university give students to make the university home is Global Buddy Program. This program match international students with domestic students to build bridges and exchange ideas and learn from one’s another