Personal Statement

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Ever since Year 7, I have enjoyed studying Maths. I like that it is very logical, meaning that after following different rules and formulas, I can get the right answer. In addition to this, I enjoy studying Business Studies since Year 10. As I continue to study this subject, I have found the financial aspect of the business the most interesting; this includes profitability ratio, breakeven, liquidity, cash flow. Due to the enjoyment and the passion I have for these two subjects, I am applying for the course in Accounting and Finance. In the future, I aspire to have a career in Accountancy or Finance due to the enjoyment, and success I am having at A-level.

The subjects that I am currently studying for my A-Levels are Maths, Business, and Law. These subjects are very relevant to the course I am applying for, Accounting and Finance, as in Business Studies at A-level, we have covered a number of areas which are in the context of accounting and finance such as balance sheets and income statements, as well as aspects of employment law. Moreover, in Law, I have studied tort law which covers negligence which is also in the context of the course …show more content…

This has given me more confidence in speaking to prospective parents and students at Open Evening and at Parent Information evening. I can work effectively as an individual and as a team. I have raised money for several charities as in bake sales, non-uniform days and house charities, such as the RNLI and Harbour Support Services. I was responsible for organising the time and place and who was involved in the bake sale, which further developed my leadership skills. I was also responsible for the organisation of the money; deciding how to finance the activities to cover costs; ensuring the price levels were realistic and we could make a profit. This helped us to achieve our aim to give as much money to charity as