Personal Statement

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Upon reflecting on my goals, and attempting to separate them into these 3 separate categories, I realized my goal throughout my life stays constant even when attempting separation. Throughout my academic, personal, and career lives, my number one wish is to grow. Growth is something I’ve gained throughout my life, as we all do, because to be a human is to change over time. However, a stagnation of growth is sometimes eminent when elements in life stay the same over a long timeline. To travel abroad, something that I have never done before, would be the pinnacle of the opportunity of a lifetime for me, and to further strengthen myself as a human and take on my fear of something so foreign. To work with a team of people who get butterflies at the thought of discovery, to see beautiful …show more content…

Who doesn’t? The career that I’ve always dreamed of is what the field of biology grants me. I have wanted to mesh travel, discovery, challenges, and a job that allows me to make an impact. The dream to change the world, to leave my mark- this has been something I cannot shake. Originally, I wanted to go into physics. I thought that I would love this field, that it would be my calling to enhance the space industry and help move humanity forward. However, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would- I felt a bit cowardly, wanting to move out into space before I helped the planet that I live on. Does going to space require that we have solved our problems here at home, or does going to space help us realize that the problems at home are pressing? This is a question I cannot answer, but provoked me to consider again what I really wanted to do with my life. When I thought about biology, it seemed like everything clicked inside of my head. My ability to help others, conduct research, and use science for the greater good- this is what makes sense to me. Being able to do all of these wonderful, important things within one career is a