Personal Statement

501 Words3 Pages

Education has a tremendous importance in my life. Mainly, because of my mother who did not have the opportunity to get a proper education since she was raising me and my siblings as a single parent in a Kenyan refugee camp. My mother instilled the significance of education in me from an early age. Since she had seen the living conditions of those who lacked knowledge, had no means of supporting themselves and lived on the fringes of society forgotten. They are dependent on the generosity of others to get by each day. When we came to this country she always reminded me of the opportunity that I have today that she didn’t have access to. Deep down I know my mother still suffers from the emotional wounds of feeling helpless and powerless to achieve …show more content…

If I was ever fortunate enough to receive this scholarship it would help me to overcome the financial impediments that I face daily as a student. Understanding that as generous as financial aid is, it doesn’t help cover everything and with the increase in the cost of tuition and books every year, this scholarship would benefit me immensely in my current situation. The scholarship would give me the opportunity to focus on my studies instead of worrying about money and the next semester’s tuition and books. It would allow me to freely take as many credits as I need without the worry of falling into debt. Only then would I be able to attain my dreams and goals like becoming the first in my family to receive a bachelor’s degree. Most of all I want to fulfill the promise, I made to myself to give my mother a desirable future. After I receive my degree, I want to go back to Africa and promote education and entrepreneurship. I want to give those who are not fortunate enough to come to the United States the tools to forge their own futures like I was with education. This scholarship may seem minimal to an average person but it would be a catalyst for all the positive in my life and those around me in the future. Finally, I know that the great people out there who gave me this scholarship and opportunity truly believe in me and my abilities, and I do not want to disappoint