Personal Statement

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The future is impossible to predict, but ways exist to promote traveling towards the desired destination. My own future may not have a guaranteed road to success but I have a plan and goals which together will be the North Star guiding me to achieving my dreams. My desired and planned occupation is to become a pharmacist because I want to help people ensure they do not find themselves hurt by the treasure of medicine and instead can be healed and strengthened by its use. Pharmacy is a field in which I will be able to use math and science to aid in promoting well-being in others' lives. I am exceptionally grateful for the exploration and development of new medicine, and I recognize all the benefits it provides in multitudes of lives, …show more content…

I hope to be someone who is confident and sure in who they are. In our society today, it is easy to get swept into the current and out into the ocean of insecurity. Social media is constantly lurking in our subconscious as we attempt to display our 'best' self to the world and keep up with the most recent trends. Often I watch people lose sight of themselves as their inner compass is warped by the magnets of popular culture. Technology will only continue to grow, feeding the monster that diminishes confidence in individuality and instills a demanding hunger to conform. I do not want to follow another person's life map because I know the treasure at the end will have no significance for me. Also I want to be able to support myself financially and to have an established plan for my future. Although these seem cliché, they are still important factors in living a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, I will not judge my success on whether I have an exuberant amount of money, it is merely important that the job I have is one that I can enjoy and provides enough income to sustain me and my dreams for the future. Finally, I want to always make time for the important and kind people in my life. I do not ever want to forget all that my parents, family, teachers, and friends do for me. I want to remember to always show my gratitude for their caring ways and never forget or take advantage of their

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