
Personal Statement: Improving Overall Physical Fitness

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Throughout the 2015-2016 school year, I have been working endlessly in order to improve my overall physical fitness so that I can be as successful on my fitness gram as I possibly can. This appeared to be a bit of a daunting task to me at first, but overtime, I finally realized that with just the right amount of self motivation and just the right amount of self discipline, I was able to make my humble plan to ace the fitness gram a task that was simple, effective, and actually, kind of fun. I improved on all of the fitness gram assessments except for the trunk lift and shoulder stretches, which remained the same as last year because they were already at the highest possible score. I improved my scores because of multiple reasons. Firstly, …show more content…

I've had to be a risk taker when I'm pushing myself as hard as I can during the assessment. At first, I would be nervous to keep going during the assessments, either because I was afraid of injury, or because I was afraid of being the only person left doing the exercise. I had to be principled when I set my goals and be sure I stuck to to my goals. Sometimes, I would feel too tired, or just plain lazy to try my best. Now, I always try my hardest. I have needed to be reflective to asses myself after each part of he fitness …show more content…

I achieved all of these goals. I improved the most on my pacer test. During the fall assessment, I barely completed 35 laps; during the spring assessment, I ran 40 laps, and feel like I could've ran even more more laps if I hadn't stopped myself. I achieved my goals by exercising regularly and by ensuring that I was hydrated before the assessments. The fitness gram helped motivate me to lead a healthier lifestyle mainly because of what happened at our first assessment of the year. During our first fitness gram assessment, I made a goal to run three times a week and prepare to complete a 5K. Not only did stick to this goal, but I also just finished my third 5K in eighth place of my age division. I would never have done this if it weren't for the goal setting that I did at the beginning of the school year. I also learned the importance of hydration, sleeping and eating, especially during times when when I'm more active than

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