
Personal Statement Of A Scholarship Essay

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I will start off by saying I am not typically one that enjoys talking about myself because I feel like I am coming off too boastful; but I will do my best to depict myself in a different and more personal way than the version of "Dimare" that is seen from my application.
As my application states, I graduated from Bracken Christian School, but what you may not know is the details about my school. My graduating class was 34, the high school was about 80-90 kids, and the entire school could fit in the school gym- talk about small. I enjoy the quaint, kind of quiet, simpler life. A life that is away from the big hub-bub of a big city. I enjoyed going to a small school because everyone knew everyone, teachers cared and took the time to help and invested time into …show more content…

But because I have preferred the smaller schools and the small junior colleges, applying to UT Austin is something I never thought I would do and something that is way out of my comfort zone. However, I am optimistic- always trying to see the good in something or someone; I like adventure; I like to push my limits- I had to push my limit my freshman year of high school when I decided to home school myself and complete 8th and 9th grade in one year in order to catch myself back up in time for my sophomore year due to a previous stupid mistake. I'm someone that works hard for what I want and what I'm passionate about whether its academics, relationships, or just hobbies. Yes, life and school and get hard and stressful and there are days when I just want to throw my towel in because I can get too caught up in my negative thoughts; but ultimately I don't like to give up even when life has pushed me down; I like to get up and keep going- but it also helps to have support from family and friends that pick me up or remind me never to settle for mediocre and to always give my very best. I come from a family that is full of stubborn

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