Personal Statement: Should I Do This For The Rest Of My Life

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Should I do This for the Rest of my Life?
With any occupation, there are of questions that people ask when they are told about the line of work that you have chosen. For the educational occupation, from my experience so far, there are a lot of people that comment about how I must have a heart for the program and have a lot of patience to be able to work with children or young adults that age range. Others have asked about the area I chose to specialize in, and how I came to choose those areas above others.
In high school I wanted to teach the younger ages because at that age the children are just so cute and they are fun to be around. After working with the youngest of ages, I realized that maybe teaching was not for me, because in my mind, …show more content…

I read a couple of blog posts from former teachers addressing the concerns about the teaching profession and why they or other teachers left the profession. One post was written by Melissa Bowers on what made those around her including herself, leave the profession. She stated in her post that she “watched people leave the profession in droves. Some abandoned ship before they even boarded. Some hung in there for a handful of years before eventually succumbing to cynicism and fatigue” (Bowers …show more content…

From the age of infancy there are standards of learning that the childcare provider must teach every day. Every state in the United States has their own set of standards for their educators. There are ways to link the standards to just about every activity in the classroom. The standards are hard because as a teacher they need to be using a variety of standards without using the same standards all the time. Along with keeping up with the standards, as teachers for some areas, like math they need to keep up with the changing ways on how to teach part of their

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