Persuasive Essay About Getting Tested

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Don’t you hate to be pressured to take a test?Do you get overwhelmed?Lets stop all of these unusefull and overwhelming tests.Other people say we should keep all tests,Some people also agree that we should lower the amount of tests we are taking.I think we should lower the amount of tests were taking and only take the one that will improve our knowledge and help us.
 We need to stop all unreasonable tests.Some schools are requiring tests of dubious value.They require tests that we don't even need to take.Lets stop all unreasonable tests.We should only be taking the ones that we really need to take.We shouldn't be taking tests that we don't need,most kids get so overwhelmed taking all of these tests. Tests are too overwhelming.All of these tests are even …show more content…

We need these tests (According to the opposite side of this argument).It will help us gain more improvement in our learning to take all of these tests.It may help and improve our learning,but it also gives is kids stress,which makes most of us fail some of these tests.So what time trying to say is that these tests are too much for us we need to lower them.I get that it will help and improve our learning but,it gives ti much stress to take all of them.There are too many they require us to take. Lower hard questions.We should think about lowering the hard questions.It may help most of the stress about the test.Kids think that theres a lot of hard tests which they stress about.Maybe having like for example there are 40 questions on the test.Take it and split it up and make 10 easy questions,20 medium questions,then 10 hard questions.I think it would help its not to many hard or easy its more unstressful to try