Persuasive Essay About Texting And Driving

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What action is taken by numerous Americans everyday, even though the consequences are immense? Although texting and driving does not appear to be a risky habit, especially since it is so common to see, it is in fact something that must be controlled and stopped within the United States. There are many positive benefits which can be acquired by accomplishing the ban of phone usage while driving. The economic benefit of outlawing texting while driving lies within property damage. If texting while driving is made illegal, there will be a decrease in accidents as well as property damage. Money which would have been needed for these damages will not be spent and less structural damage will take place. Currently, the leading cause of teenage death is due to texting while driving. This is the …show more content…

Both drivers and pedestrians are at risk whenever someone decides they need to answer their text message. On average, a text message takes a driver’s eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds, in that time about the length of a football field is driven (Integrity Insurance 2018). A lot can possibly go wrong when driving that whole distance without even looking at the road. Distracted driving, which includes texting while driving, kills approximately nine people and injures about 1,000 everyday (FCC 2018). These deaths and injuries are unwanted can be decreased by passing a law that makes it illegal to text and drive. The innocent people who are killed or injured because someone decided to send or answer a text did not ask for it. Since texting and driving does not only put the driver performing this action at risk, it should be banned. In fact, texting while driving can be compared to having a blood alcohol concentration of .08% (Integrity Insurance 2018). Having a BAC of just .01% increases the chance of being in a car accident by 46% (