Persuasive Essay On Text And Driving

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Customarily, within the United States at a mere sixteen years old, many young adults are obtaining their driver’s licenses. In truth, it is a really good thing for America’s youth as it not only promotes independence among the future generations, but it also opens doors to new responsibilities. However,as Spider Man once said, with great power comes great responsibility. This still holds true as with the great power of driving, comes a great deal of responsibility for the lives of everyone on the road. I pledge to not text and drive because not only do I put my life at risk, but also the lives of those who are on or around the road as well. Many believe life to be sacred, and a great deal more value human life. However, there are few who realize the scale of the lives they are endangering when they choose to text and drive. In my belief, all life is important. We all have a purpose on this earth and we all must spend our lives deciphering exactly what it is. Who am I to be the one to remove a person from this earth? Who am I to keep them from ever finding their purpose? Who am I to take their life over one text message? Everyday on the road, I witness drivers swerving in and out of lanes, speeding, dancing, doing makeup, texting, and talking on their cell phones. It only takes one person to lose focus at just the wrong time for a major accident to occur. For instance, March 20th, 2015 in Sumter County, Florida, an overturned semi-truck blocked …show more content…

It is a public safety hazard and not one person has the right to endanger the lives of others. It is imperative we realize this, especially today’s young adults, as we learn and grow within society through the use of knowledge and experience. If people employ more responsible driving habits, there would be less lives at risk every day and more birthdays that are celebrated every year. In the end, molding a brighter, more responsible and selfless