Persuasive Essay About Texting And Driving

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Texting and Driving has become a recent issue in today’s society. Many teens and adults have made a habit of using their cell phones while driving. Its distracting and getting in a car accident while on your phone is higher than if you aren’t on it. They made a law saying that using your phone while driving is illegal. One of the dangerous things about texting is how fast you can get in an accident by just looking at your phone for less than 5 seconds.
There were at least 23% of car collisions involving cell phones in 2011. Texting makes a crash 23 times more likely to happen. Texting and driving kills more teens than drinking & driving. 1 in 5 drivers of all ages have admitted that they have surfed the Internet while driving. Teens who text and drive spend at least 10% of their time outside of their lane.
48% of kids age 12-17 have been in a car while the driver was texting. 52% say they have talked on a …show more content…

After seeing the mock crash at school it showed me how dangerous it is for us, but also for other people on the road. When you text and drive you never really think how it would hurt others, like for loved ones. I think if you absolutely think you need to text and drive you should do it when there is no one in your car because if you get an a accident you would have to live with putting someone else’s life in danger.
I used to text a lot when I was driving, but after seeing what happens, I don’t text as much as I used to. I used to text and drive with my little sister in the car, but now I don’t text if someone is the car. I sometimes text if it’s just me in the car but not that much. After seeing the mock crash and all the stories of people getting killed in crashes from texting and driving it has open my eyes up a lot. I feel if we have more activities about how dangerous texting and driving is than more people will open their eyes and not text and