Persuasive Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

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Would you like to live in a society where you are being controlled and lied to? In George Orwell's novel, 1984, he tells a story of a future society where a Party controls everything and uses surveillance, manipulation, and psychology to control citizens. Flemming Rose and Jacob Mchangama's article, ¨History proves how dangerous it is to have the government regulate fake news,¨ about real-life examples of regulating fake news and the consequences that came with it. The novel “1984” by George Orwell and the article “History proves how dangerous it Is to Have the government regulate fake news” by Flemming Rose and Jacob Mchangama convey the abuse of power by the government that seeks control over the lives of its citizens, and that giving the …show more content…

As shown in the novel and article, the power of regulating fake news is being abused to silence differences of opinion and limit the flow of information, and control citizens, which limits citizens' freedom and can lead to a decline in democratic values. Manipulating citizens can create fear in them, ¨The frightening thing was that it might all be true. If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, IT NEVER HAPPENED—that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death?" This quote shows that the Party manipulates the past and denies historical events. By controlling information and changing the past, the Party limits the flow of information and silences any differences of opinion, suppressing citizens' freedom. An example of abusing regulating fake news is, "Nevertheless, Italy’s antitrust chief Giovanni Pitruzzella feels so overwhelmed by the amount of information on the internet that he has called for government regulation to fight fake news... Media companies that do not comply should be fined, he argues." This quote shows the plan made by Giovanni Pitruzzella to regulate fake news and how …show more content…

In a society where the government controls truth, one where individual freedom is limited, citizens are not allowed to think or act freely, Which can lead to a sense of fear and repression among citizens. As the Party slogan in, 1984, states, " Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.¨ This implies how the government's control over the past and present is affecting and shaping the future. It implies that citizens' freedom to choose their own futures is limited since the Party controls the narrative of history and reality. There are different ways to limit freedom, "There is a very strong case for arguing that the criminalization of fake news runs afoul of freedom of expression in international and other regional human rights conventions." According to this quote, criminalizing fake news could limit the right to free expression protected by human rights conventions, which is a limitation on freedom. Both of these quotes reveal that in a society where the government controls truth and limits individual freedom, citizens are limited in their ability to express themselves, question authority, and access unbiased information. This can lead to fear and repression and these quotes show the issue of control over information and its effect on freedom and that the control can have negative consequences for freedom. Therefore, the novel description