Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Children and kids are very beautiful things in the life .every couple when they get married they want to get baby, the mother want to care about him and also be responsible of another human, she wants to feel the sense of motherhood .the man also want to feel the sense of fatherhood, he want get baby also to respond of all his demands. Normally every couple when they get married, they want to get baby so the women become pregnant but, there are women do not want to get baby early so they use the abortion. Abortion is the conscious medicinal procedure of consummation a pregnancy. Abortion is otherwise called the end of pregnancy. There are two types of people the first one, believe that the women do not have the right to use abortion and the second one, believe that is the women’s freedom. Each woman has the privilege to settle on her own decision about whether to end or proceed with a pregnancy, there are many reasons for women consider abortion for example, Failure to backing or tend to a youngster, Physical or mental conditions that …show more content…

The research into U.S3 In 1987, a survey of 1,900 women at large abortion providers across the country found that women’s most common reasons for having an abortion were that having a baby would interfere with school, work or other responsibilities, and that they could not afford a child. Sometimes the man do not have the ability to gain enough money to cover his family needs so, the man and the women do not want to born a baby and do not be able to cover his and for that the woman use abortion

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