Persuasive Essay On Abortion Research Paper

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Women have been helping each other abort for all of human history. The women who helped perform the abortions were called “women healers.” The whole idea of abortion is an extremely controversial topic throughout the world due to a great deal of people thinking that it is murder. This thinking led to anti-abortion laws starting in the late 1800’s in Western Europe and The United States. Abortion should be legal because it is a woman’s choice to do what she would like to do with her own body, it can keep a woman from potentially harming herself trying to terminate a pregnancy illegally, and can keep a child from being born into a bad situation.
Women should be allowed to do what they please with themselves because the world, at least in most places, is evolved in its thinking. Many people who disagree with abortion, called pro-lifers, say that, “all abortions are acts of murder,” (Back). This thinking is what leads abortion to be illegal in many places of The United States. It also …show more content…

Anna Yucco, a woman from Tennessee, performed an abortion on herself in her bathtub and started to hemorrhage. She had to be taken to the hospital where her son was born at twenty-four weeks. She was charged with attempted first degree murder for an event that never should have occurred. Actions like these would never happen again if abortion was legal and accessible to everyone. Some pro-lifers are oblivious to these events. They, “tend to view coat hanger abortions as a myth propagated by liberals and atheists purely for the sadistic pleasure of making baby Jesus cry,”(Bowden). A person can look anywhere on the internet and read an article and see that this so called myth is a reality happening everyday all over the world. Coat hanger abortions are not a myth and they happen because women are not legally allowed to get an

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