
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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Animal cruelty has been a big problem all over the world. Studies around the world have found that people who have been abusive or committed violent behavior towards their own kind, have a higher percentage to abuse animals. We need to be more aware when someone has committed a violent crime towards someone and owns an animal, because that animal could be in danger. The US is starting to compile a registry for animal abusers, and raising the penalties and consequences so that animal abuse can decrease. “Each of the real or proposed registry in the US makes it much more difficult for abusers to own animals. In one state after another, however, proponents emphasize the public safety benefit of such registries- keeping track of animal abusers can help prevent future violence against all living things.”(David Goodman,1). Abuse of an animal is a crime, and animals are living beings that can experience and feel the same pain as a human does.
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This passage made me feel pretty petty for animals because they are not protected as much as us, and they don’t have a voice. Another passage that I consider it to be part subjective is, “Those who abuse animals for no obvious reason are budding psychopaths. They have no empathy and only see the world to what it’s going to do for them.”(David Goodman,1). These passages convey feelings, moods, and a negative charge of the article. I consider this article to also be objective because a lot of the information given are basic facts and information that are neutral. In the end, I consider this article blended, which are both subjective and

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