Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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Although laws are necessary to maintain a regulated society, people should take their own morality into check and not need laws for something that can easily utilize common sense. That being stated, it has been proven throughout history that many humans take neither morality nor legality into consideration when it comes down to their actions. In an utopia, states should not need to put anymore focus on distracted driving than it already does. In fact, it would not even be an issue. However in reality, there are still people who will continue to break the law without any cares or regrets to the people hurt along the way. Although sensibility should come into effect when it comes to something as life-threatening as distracted driving, there is a great sum of individuals who ultimately do not care. Furthermore, I believe that our nation needs to implement more laws to regulate driving that are enacted upon universally.

The a major component on the issue of distracted driving is the laws that are implemented throughout the country. Although all states have some degree of distracted driving laws, not one country has the exact same laws enacted. For example, in Delaware, there is a hand-held ban, a cellphone ban for …show more content…

The comparison between these two states is astounding, and although Florida is bigger than Delaware, there is still a difference of 2,806 people killed. Out of all states in America, 15 have a ban on handhelds, 20 have banned cell phones with school bus drivers, 30 banned cell phones with novice drivers, and 47 have a text messaging ban (“Distracted Driving”). I believe that if the country implements national bans on all of these areas, the amount of casualties would decrease