Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving Epidemic

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There are many reasons why Vermont takes the proper steps towards safer driving. Vermont has a high expectation for us drivers. They want us to be more aware of the road and to put down our devices. Their stance for distracted driving is that you have to pay attention to the road. Additionally, Vermont is said to be one of the smallest states in America. Along with being a smaller state, there are fewer drivers on the roads; but, distracted driving remains a concern. Vermont has shared a lot of information and resources about the distracted driving epidemic. With fewer roads, people tend to be more distracted by their phones or little things because they don’t have to overlook the uncomplicated roads. Overall, I believe that Vermont does its job to put the necessary information out to prevent distracted driving.
Some people think that texting or talking on the phone is a terrible idea and should be illegal. With Vermont being a small state, distracted driving still is a concern to most people. According to the article by Pressman, “Distracted Driving Is Skyrocketing” (Pressman). Every day, 60% of all drivers use their phone at least once while driving. With the Vermont band of handheld …show more content…

For people who think nothing will happen to them, Burlington Free Press is letting it be known that police in the state of Vermont are targeting distracted drivers (Vermont Police Target Distracted Driving). Vermont has put out laws for every driver on the roads. For junior drivers who don’t pay attention to laws, they can get into a lot of trouble. Junior drivers are prohibited from using portable electronic devices while driving, according to agency of transportation (Distracted Driving). With this law there will be less distracted teens on the roads. Vermont is making its state a safe place for