Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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It’s time we, as a society, put importance on the easily preventable and horrific problem that is currently the leading cause of teenagers dying every day; texting and driving. There have been numerous attempts to decline the number of crashes caused by distracted driving, but our efforts have been falling short. Although putting laws in place may have been an effective way to decrease the odds of a person taking out their phone while on the road, many people have chosen to ignore the laws, for whatever reason it may be. The major key is to have humans must make their own conscious choice to turn off their phone while behind the wheel, instead of being constantly reminded for the number in order for the number of distracted driving crashes to go and stay down. If all else fails, the governing officials need recognize the problem and display and defend harsher laws as a solution. Although we, ourselves, cannot control others decisions to text and drive, people can still help …show more content…

Texting and driving is so dangerous, that a person is more like to crash while texting rather than driving drunk. Canadians have believed that texting and driving is the biggest on road threat for 4 years straight, yet these same Canadians have admitted to texting behind the wheel and one point or another. Although it only takes less than 3 seconds of eyes off the road to create a crash there are still multiple states that haven’t even acknowledged this problem. I could give you a million statistics, but by the end of this essay, I can bet you won’t be able to recall 5 facts I’ve told you so far, solely because its rare for facts to truly influence people and have them think twice before checking their phone at a red light because of some fact I’ve told you. In the end, we must act for ourselves to protect us and those around us. (add more