Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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In 2010, about 33% of motor vehicle were the result of teens. I believe that the driving age . Many 16-year-olds do not have the developed minds and they endanger others on the road because of their minds.

First comes the idea that teens do not have the mental capacity to make the right decisions on the road. In the article titled “Is 16 Too Young to Drive a Car?” the author provides research from the National Institute of Health. The research shows “that the area of the brain that peers ahead and considers consequences…. Remains underdeveloped” (Davis pg 251) The part of the brain responsible for impulsive decisions is known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and it is severely underdeveloped when compared to other parts of the body/brain during the age of 16. For this reason, teens’ decisions may be determined by other driving forces in the brain; things like attitudes or feelings could be the cause. When you take into account that driving takes a large amount of decision-making skills, and constant …show more content…

As previously discussed, studies have shown that 16-year-old’s mind is far less developed in decision-making area than a teenager who is slightly older. Since in 2013, 937 16-year-old drivers were included in fatal crashes, it is safe to assume that by raising the age minimum, even by just one year, the further developed mind of 17-year-old would have a far better chance of remaining safe on the roads than a 16-year-old. People may also say that it is the parent’s above all decision to let their children drive at age 16. But, a poll done by USA TODAY shows that the general public favors a higher driving age. So even if it was mostly the decision of the parent, most would agree on raising the