
Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Growing up in Stillwater, Minnesota, I had a friend named Tate Felipe-Caton. Tate is an adopted child of two dads and he always told me that his two fathers are no different that my mom and dad. Children of same-sex parents are the same of heterosexual parents because they’re in just as good as health, a lot of people are accepting of same-sex couples, and there are a lot of gay and lesbian couples looking to adopt a child. People that believe that Gay couples are worse than straight couples think that gay couples are worse at taking care of their children. They also think that most people in America don’t support gays in being parents. They also think that there are no gay couples looking to adopt. Children of same-sex couples are in just …show more content…

In a 2007 study conducted by Abbie Goldberg of Clark University, she found out that about 61% of children raised by a gay couple, are more open-minded and empathetic than people not raised in their situation. In 2013, a study was conducted by the Pew Research Center showed that 60% of Americans and 80% of Canadians are accepting of homosexuality. The highest country was Spain with 88% accepting, with the lowest being Nigeria with 1%. In the 1950’s and 1960’s when homosexuals were jailed for being gay, many people were not accepting and tolerant, but today most people in the United States and Canada are accepting of …show more content…

In the United States, there about 500,000 children looking for parents to adopt them, gay, straight, Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Hispanic, smart, or dumb according to ChildWelfare.gov. In the US, there about 100,000 couples looking for children. according to ChildWelfare.gov. So there are plenty of couples looking to adopt a child, and plenty of children that want to be with them.

"I want you to know that I think my family is great, so why don't you people just stop all this hate? I know that love comes right from the heart. My parents taught me love from the start."-Hannah Jurs-Allen, fifth-grader, daughter of lesbian parents.
"I think it would be really boring if everybody had just a mom and a dad. It's really special how I have a mom and a mama!"-Cody Jurs-Allen, second-grader, son of lesbian mothers.

"People who don't like gays feel that way because there aren't so many gay people and they're not in a gay family so they don't know what it feels like. The other kind of family that is not lesbian or gay was started first, and people think it shouldn't change. They think people are supposed to stay the same. I want them to know that I probably have more than they do because I have two moms and a stepmom too!"-Keely Coffrin-Shaw, third-grader, daughter of lesbian

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