Same Sex Adoption Persuasive Essay

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A normal couple has been trying to adopt a five year old girl for about five years. The reason it’s been taking so long for this completely normal couple, that has been married for five years is because of one simple fact. They are a same-sex couple, the adoption process has been taking much longer than normal just because they are two guys. What makes them so different from every other couple? Why is this happening to all kinds of same sex couples?
Since the legalization of same sex marriage in all fifty states, there has been some problems arising with those couples adopting and raising children. The most recent of these problems were in 2017, a problem most people don’t think about. Homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children …show more content…

This would help with children who are exploring there sexualilty or there sexual orantanion. For some hetersexual coulpes this could lead to problems or a reason to not adopt that certain child. While a homosexual couple would find those traits to not be a problem. “LGBT adolescents make up as much as 40 percent of homeless youth, according to the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” (Groups hope more gay couples Adopt.) Same-sex couples are even more likely to adopt then hetersexual couples. This would make sense as to that same-sex couples can’t usually have children. Which if that couple had a desire for a child in most cases that would lead to adoption. “same-sex couples are about six times more likely to raise foster youth and four times more likely to raise adopted youth than heterosexual couples.” (Groups hope more gay couples …show more content…

Often saying that a heresexual couple is the “ideal” match to raise children. Also bringing up their religious beliefs as well. “Liberal backbencher Mitch Williams suggested that, while there were "all sorts of families" in society, it was "nonsense" to suggest that anything other than a heterosexual couple was "ideal".” (Same-sex adoption Not ‘Best for Kids’.) While some beileve a hetersexual couple would be “ideal”, there still is no problem with there being a homosexual couple raising a child would be no different then a hetersexual couple raising a child. That child would have no less of a safe and loving environment to live